Galicia medals 2024

Today we attended the GALICIA MEDALS 2024 delivery ceremony at the Centro Gaiás Museum, in Santiago de Compostela. AGEINCO has been represented by the President, Daniel Prieto, along with the Secretary, Marta Gallego. The Medal of Galicia is the highest decoration awarded by the #Xunta to people or institutions for merits in the service of […]

Presentation ceremony of Proyecto de cobre San Rafael 

Today we attended the presentation ceremony of Proyecto de cobre San Rafael  at the Oca Puerta del Camino hotel in Santiago de Compostela. The mining project proposed by Cobre San Rafael is a new project based on the commitment to carry out modern, safe, sustainable and innovative mining, and in collaboration with researchers from Galician […]


Today we are celebrating our anniversary!! AGEINCO has been the Galician Cluster association of engineering, consulting and technological services companies in Galicia for 20 years, fighting to defend the interests of our associates and their professionals. Our actions have been carried out both at the local and national level in harmony with the other territorial […]

Meeting with Instituto Galego da vivenda e solo (IGVS)

On July 10 we met with Instituto Gallego de la vivienda y el suelo (IGVS) to continue with the work that we had been doing with our working group and the public administration, presenting and analyzing the situation of engineering in Galicia. On this occasion we have met with the Secretary General of Vivienda y […]

0rdinary general assembly 2024

On June 26, was celebrated the ordinary general assembly of the cluster and its advisory committee. It was held at the facilities of the Club Nordés in A Coruña. The day passed with a brief welcome breakfast, sharing of relevant topics along with the annual reports and the closing of the day with a cocktail […]

Galician computer engineering night

On  June 21, we went in Santiago to the event “16 Noite da Enxeñería en de Galicia” organized by the Professional College of Enxeñaría en Informática de Galicia (CPEIG). At the gala we were represented by our general secretary, Marta Gallego, in the photo with the director of the CPEIG, Fernando Suarez. A great night […]

Breakfast “Ensuring security and defense: The efforts of the Spanish defense industry”

Today our Honorary President Carmen López Olmedo attended the informative breakfast “Ensuring security and defense: The effort of the Spanish defense industry” organized by the Club dialogos para la democracia. The event had the speaker Ms. Amparo Valcarce, Secretary of State for Defense.   This day also included the presence of Esperanza Casteleiro, Director of […]

Visit Torre Picasso

On June 20, AGEINCO visited Torre Picasso in Madrid. The Picasso Tower, a skyscraper designed by the American architect Minoru Yamaski, is one of the landmark buildings in the capital of Spain, with 43 floors and 157 meters high. During the visit, our Cluster was represented by our President Mr. Daniel Prieto, Honorary President, Mrs. […]

Breakfast CEDE with Josu Jon Imaz

Today we attended CEDE Breakfast – Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE) in Madrid with the speaker Josu Jon Imaz, delegate of REPSOL under the title “LEADING THE TRANSFORMATION”. The speaker explained to us how REPSOL is trying to transform the industry and lead the way towards a future with net zero emissions by […]