Inauguration of the #TribunasAGEINCO Sessions with the Visit of the Mexican Ambassador to Spain

Last week, AGEINCO had the honor of inaugurating our #TribunasAGEINCO sessions with the visit of Mexico’s Ambassador to Spain, Mr. Quirino Ordaz Coppel, accompanied by Óscar Raúl Callejo Silva. This meeting marked a significant milestone in our internationalization strategy, particularly in a key country like Mexico, where many of our member companies have interests and […]
Meeting with the President of the Xunta and the Regional Minister of Economy and Industry

Last week we held a meeting with Alfonso Rueda, President of the Xunta, and with Maria Jesús Lorenza, Minister of Economy and Industry. Representing AGEINCO, our president Daniel Prieto, the honorary president, Carmen López, the vice president, Gema Panadero and the general secretary, Marta Gallego, participated in the meeting. At the meeting we discussed how […]
Taller Igualdad laboral y fomento del empleo femenino

On February 25, there was a training workshop for labor equality and promoting the presence of women in technology companies and other STEM areas, in which our member Susana Casal Mayo participated. This workshop belongs to the space program of the General Secretariat of Employment and Labor Relations of the Department of […]
Meeting with Aguas de Galicia

On Wednesday, February 19, our working group met with Aguas de Galicia to continue with the work that we had been doing with our working group and the public administration, presenting and analyzing the engineering situation in Galicia. Continuing with his work of presentation and defense of the Cluster before the different public administrations, the […]
Asistencia al NEF con Don José Luis Bonet

Today our honorary president, Carmen López Olmedo, attended the breakfast organized by Nueva Economía Fórum in which Mr. José Luis Bonet, President of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, participated as a guest and which was presented by Mr. Jordi Hereu, Minister of Industry and Tourism. At the event, our president took the opportunity to present […]
Inauguration of the Club Cámara Noroeste

This Wednesday we attended the inauguration of the Northwest Chamber Club of the Chamber of Commerce of A Coruña with the representation of our president and honorary president. This new club, located in O Parrote, is a 1,500 square meter premises that has been designed as a meeting place for businessmen and other professionals from […]
Lunch stand with Councilor Diego Calvo

Last Monday, December 16, we celebrated the closing of the 2024 Tribune cycle, the Tribune lunch with the Councilor of the Presidency, Justice and Sports, Diego Calvo Pouso. From the engineering point of view, we were very interested in their vision of sports infrastructure and the area of the General Directorate of Mobility, which exercises […]
AGEINCO awards: 20th anniversary

On the night of November 29 we celebrated our 20th Anniversary at a gala surrounded by friends. This 20th anniversary was the perfect occasion to highlight the recognition and growth of our Cluster and our profession, materializing it with the delivery of the Premios Clúster AGEINCO. Among the main objectives of the event, […]
60th Anniversary of TECNIBERIA

Yesterday our president, Daniel Prieto, attended together with the President of Cies, Ignacio Sánchez de mora, to the 60th anniversary dinner TECNIBERIA, through the invitation of its President Joan Franco. The TECNIBERIA association brings together 89 private capital engineering companies with aggregate sales of 7,000 million euros and a professional workforce of 70,000 people. They […]
XXIII CEDE Directors Congress

Today we attended the XXIII Congress of CEDE directors in A Coruña. This congress has been held annually since 2000 and has become a benchmark business event in our country, bringing together numerous managers and executives from the Spanish business scene. This year, the congress was held under the motto “Leadership in times of Artificial […]