Meeting with the Galician Infrastructure Agency

Today we have met with the Galician Infrastructure Agency, the administrative body of the Xunta de Galicia in charge of fully managing the road infrastructure of the Road Network of the Galician Autonomous Community (RAEG). Among the representatives of the Galician Infrastructure Agency was its director Francisco Menéndez Iglesias and members of his team, area […]
Breakfast CEDE with Óscar García Maceiras

Yesterday our honorary president, Carmen Lopez, together with Mar García, member of AGEINCO, attended the CEDE working breakfast with Óscar García Maceiras, CEO of Inditex, under the title “Inditex, a company in constant evolution”. During the meeting, Garcia Maceiras described the four key pillars of Inditex’s success and stressed that “collaboration is key to success […]
IV National Congress of Civil Society “La España que lidera”

Yesterday our honorary president, Carmen López Olmedo, was representing AGEINCO at the IV National Congress of Civil Society held in Seville. Under the title of “The Spain that leads” the Congress had the objective of “helping the improvement of Spain.” It was an interesting meeting where great specialists met to address the leadership that Spain […]

Last week we visited the REGANOSA facilities in Mugardos. Our association was represented by the honorary president (Carmen Lopez Olmedo), the president (Daniel Prieto), the vice president (Gemma Panadero) and the general secretary (Marta Gallego) accompanied at all times of the president of Reganosa (Roberto Tojeiro) and the general director of REGANOSA (Rodrigo Diaz). Thanks […]

On Friday, October 4, we were represented by our president Daniel Prieto at the 4th conference on industrial safety in the automotive sector organized by the Official College of Industrial Engineers of Galicia (ICOIIG) and the Xunta de Galicia, through the Ministry of Economy and Industry. Industrial safety is something little recognized that affects […]
Meeting with the city council A Coruña

At AGEINCO we have a working group that meets with the public administration to analyze the engineering situation in Galicia. Yesterday we had the opportunity to meet the engineers from the Infrastructure department and those responsible for the contracting department of the city council of A Coruña. Those responsible for the department were […]
Visit in the CORTIZO company

Today we visited the facilities of Cortizo, a company that has positioned itself as the first manufacturer and distributor of aluminum and PVC systems for the architectural industry of the Iberian Peninsula. The aluminum multinational has invested in a Technological Campus with the aim of turning it into an international reference for façade engineering […]
Meeting with the Concello de Vigo

On our return from vacation, our hiring group today met with the engineers from the Vigo City Council. It has been a magnificent welcome from the Council’s engineers, who have shown a lot of interest and made highly attractive job inquiries. The City Council showed its willingness to collaborate with this association with the […]
Galicia medals 2024

Today we attended the GALICIA MEDALS 2024 delivery ceremony at the Centro Gaiás Museum, in Santiago de Compostela. AGEINCO has been represented by the President, Daniel Prieto, along with the Secretary, Marta Gallego. The Medal of Galicia is the highest decoration awarded by the #Xunta to people or institutions for merits in the service of […]
Presentation ceremony of Proyecto de cobre San Rafael

Today we attended the presentation ceremony of Proyecto de cobre San Rafael at the Oca Puerta del Camino hotel in Santiago de Compostela. The mining project proposed by Cobre San Rafael is a new project based on the commitment to carry out modern, safe, sustainable and innovative mining, and in collaboration with researchers from Galician […]