Practical day on labor reform
Practical day on labor reform. This will be taught 🗣️ by Dª. Cristina Millar, responsible for the labor area of Navarro Abogados and with the participation of the Head of the Labor Inspection of Vigo Mr. José María Casas de Ron.
ℹ The organization is run by AGEINCO. Cluster Association of Engineering, Consulting and Service Companies. Tecnológicos de Galicia, with the collaboration of ACP Pontevedra -Pontevedra Builders Association-, Fepotrans -Pontevedra Transport Federation- and Banco Sabadell.
🗓 Thursday March 10
⏰ 09:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
📌 Galicia Hall of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Pontevedra
➡ Avda. García Barbón 104 Vigo (Pontevedra)
📣 Registration at: