AGEINCO focuses its interest on digitalization 4.0 through a cycle of courses for its associates

AGEINCO (Galician Association of Engineering and Consulting Companies) develops, with the support of IGAPE, a cycle of digitalization courses at the CESGA headquarters, located in Santiago, with the aim of promoting the generation of collaborative digitization projects. The first of them took place today between 10 and 14 under the title Obradoiro Industria 4.0, consisting of simulation of collaborative processes and platforms. The problem of the management of engineering information files was discussed, as well as the tools to guarantee a correct flow, in addition to the simulation of processes and their integration in cyber-physical systems. Ten professionals from different companies participated in this course.

This cycle of courses will be continued on July 30 and August 23, dates that will be devoted to the incorporation of the BIM methodology in the development of projects, while July 31 and Tuesday August 28 will focus on Big Data and Cloud Computing.

AGEINCO (Galician Association of Engineering and Consulting Companies) is an autonomous association that currently includes 26 companies: Adantia, AIN ACTIVE, Aquatica, Ciesa, Cíes Atlántico, Centro Tecnológico Automóvil de Galicia, Eptisa, Fulcrum, Indica, Ingenia, Inor, GTG Ingenieros, Hidria, ICEACSA, Ingeniería Schilling, K2 Ingeniería, Landvey World, Naos Arquitectura, Tecyp, TEMHA, Topcad, Toscaria, TYPSA, SGS Tecnos, Soltec and Urbing.