Meeting with Aguas de Galicia

On Wednesday, February 19, our working group met with Aguas de Galicia to continue with the work that we had been doing with our working group and the public administration, presenting and analyzing the engineering situation in Galicia.

Continuing with his work of presentation and defense of the Cluster before the different public administrations, the situation of engineering in Spain was discussed, and the bidding documents of Galicia were analyzed.

Thanks to its director Roi Fernandez Añón and his team for the attention and interest shown towards private engineering and the companies that make up AGEINCO.

At AGEINCO we think that the contact of consulting engineering companies with their clients and with the administration must be permanent to improve the sector together and fight for the defense of the engineering services sector in our community.

#WorkGroup #EngineeringGalicia #somosAGEINCO #EngineeringQuality #ExcelenciaAGEINCO #SomosCIES