From Ageinco we show our gratitude for the warm welcome and the enriching experience we had during our visit to the port of Ferrol.
This meeting not only allowed us to appreciate the infrastructure and operations of the port, but also gave us the opportunity to participate in a valuable institutional meeting.
In the photo from left to right: Roberto Nuñez de Arenas Basteiro, Antea Group Spain and Latin America; Carmen López Olmedo, Honorary President of Ageinco; María del Mar García, Enmacosa Technical Consulting, Marta Gallego, General Secretary Ageinco; Francisco Barea Paz, President of the Port of Ferrol; Francisco Javier García Linares, Aqualia; Alfredo Gómez Moreno, SGS Tecnos and Albert Ferrer Rodríguez, Imecnor® Technical Office